My Son Didn’t Want to go Back to Camp a 2nd Summer. Here’s What Happened When He Did.

When your child says she doesn’t want to go back to camp a second summer should you just leave it at that? As a camp director, Elizabeth Shreckhise wasn’t willing to stop sending her son. What she wanted to do, was empower him to face any uncertainty with courage:
Camp Fills the Need: Part 2, Screens Challenge Home Life

Where and when can we get a break from screens in our family life? Its tough when screens now impact almost everything we do. I tried a “screen free week” and it has helped. Read on for more…
Camp Fills the Need: Part 1, Screen Time Impacts

Too many screens for too much of the time are greatly impacting how kids develop and how people interact. How did we get here, and what’s it doing to us? Let’s explore it this week on the blog.
Adjusting to Life After Camp

When campers come home often there’s an adjustment period. They miss camp friends, pine for camp ways, and often need to share their feelings. Here’s how you can be supportive.
A Camper’s Journey

When a camper comes to us summer after summer she is on a journey that holds memories and familiarity while also growing and changing to reflect each stage in her life. Read on to hear what one camper says that Camp Alleghany gave to her.
Warm Weather, Cold Teen Feet

If your teen thinks she’s outgrown camp it may be time to step in to remind her just how much she loves her camp family!
Lessons Learned in Going From Camp Director to Camp Mom

My final blog in a series devoted to what it was like to send my son to camp for the first time even though I am already a camp director. I learned that it isn’t easy, but it is good!
His Experience: My Son’s First Sleepaway Camp

My son went off to his first sleepaway camp this summer. As a camp director, I knew the drill. But as a child, it was all new to him. What happened? Read on…
My 6-Year-Old Son’s First Sleepaway Camp Experience

Off he went — my first born — to sleepaway camp. And even though I’m a camp director myself, I now saw it all through a camp parent’s eyes. And it’s not easy!