Growin Up at ‘Ghany

“The Circle Game” song at camp reminds us that we visit at different ages and stages, including working at camp as a counselor. What is your circle game story? Want to get one? Then join us at camp on our staff!
99 THINGS — Part 2: Downtime

Relaxing at camp is one of camp’s greatest assets, providing a digital detox as well as vital renewing forces through nature, quiet, and summer ease.
99 THINGS! A Blog Series in our Countdown to Camp

A year of COVID adaptations has us all being resilient, flexible, and adaptable to changes we don’t enjoy, but we do accept as what’s necessary in extraordinary times. But surely we all wonder whether anything will ever be the same again? We all want to know whether the things we love are still available to […]
Attending College During the Time of COVID

Every day is a well-scheduled adventure at camp and yet some days, that schedule changes. Learning to adapt, be flexible, and keep a good attitude while we’re doing it is a hallmark of the counselor’s job.
Cultivating Your Children’s Independence at Home

Kids like to help, and the pride of finishing a task. Get them there with a clear understanding of basic chores and meal-making.
Help Wanted: Leadership Program Coordinator

Have a passion for cultivating the unique voices of young girls and women? This short-term camp position may be perfect for you!
New Staff Resource: Haley, our Staff Recruiting Intern

For #ghanyjobsweek we’re introducing Haley, our Staff Recruiting Intern. She can help guide you about getting a job with Alleghany.
Looking to 2021 with Optimism and Excitement

In spite of the challenges of a COVID year we’re looking forward to Summer 2021 optimistically and with strategic planning.
A ‘Ghany Girl’s Guide to Manners in the Virtual Era

Navigating so much MORE time online during so many closures is hard for any of us. We know adults and kids can always use a refresher on the best manners for online activity.