99 Things To Enjoy at Camp This Summer Part 3: Food!

Editor’s Note: There are at minimum 99 Things about life at Camp Alleghany for Girls that are NOT changing this summer! That’s why we started our 99 THINGS Blog Series. The list just keeps growing so read Part One about our unchanging Activities, and Part Two about kicking back for downtime!

The Dining Hall and Beyond!

Camp Alleghany has all kinds of special moments, memories, and menus related to the food we eat when we’re together during the summer. And that has no reason to change because of a pandemic happening out there on the other side of the river!

That’s why we celebrate the fun food we serve up in the Dining Hall, at LUTAT picnics (Lunch Under The Apple Tree), cookouts, dinner hikes, at Banquet, and even in Cooking if you choose to take that activity! So here are 11 Things out of our 99 Things in the Food category that you can look forward to during this 99th SUMMER of Camp Alleghany for Girls!


You can:

1. Wind down with milk and cookies before bed

2. Feast on ooey-gooey s’mores roasted over a campfire

3. Climb the Goat Path to the Dining Hall

4. Enjoy those one-of-a-kind chicken patties

5. Delight in streusel cake for breakfast

6. Venture on a dinner hike at Brunswick

7. Enjoy Peppermint Patties, with or without peanut butter!

8. Enjoy sitting in the sun at LUTAT with your friends (for our new friends, that’s Lunch Under the Apple Tree or LUTAT!)

9. Savor those sweet rolls and bacon for Sunday breakfasts

10. Relish the comfort food that is warm grilled cheese and soup

11. Count your blessings at our summertime Thanksgiving dinner!

I can’t wait to hear that meal bell ring, say blessings together, and feast in our many different ways this summer. Can you? Tell me which foods you’re looking forward to this summer…


This series is about what ISN’T going to change this summer but we do have one thing that IS going to change (sort of — see below for ways our food will be the same) this summer and that is who we’re getting as our contracted Dining Hall food/kitchen supplier. Since we’re so excited about this company, we thought we’d add a bonus thing for you to get excited about concerning food at ‘Ghany!

The company is called Wolfoods and I know this is going to be a great addition to camp.

The first wonderful thing about them is that they are completely focused on the camp industry and are practiced in what it takes to be a well-oiled machine in preparing for and providing for summer camp experiences. One look at their website and you can see why I am so thrilled to work with them.

What you can’t see from their website is what my own experience with them has been. They’re an extremely organized and straightforward company and have been so pleasant and wonderful to work with. The tone of professionalism and friendliness has made it easy to convey the unique needs at Alleghany, giving us so much confidence that this will be an awesome summer in the Dining Hall.

Working with them to craft our menu has been particularly personalized, meaningful, and confidence-building. We’ve been able to draft menus for and schedule all our traditional favorite foods on it (streusel cake, grilled cheese, chicken patties, Thanksgiving dinner, and more!) And then we’ve sprinkled the summer menu with some fun new dishes to try — did someone say BBQ chicken and sweet Italian sausage? Or what about gyros, chicken marsala, and blueberry tarts?

My mouth is watering and yours will be too. So help me in welcoming Wolfoods to our lively camp on the banks of the Greenbrier River!

— Warmly,

Elizabeth Shreckhise, Director, Camp Alleghany for Girls

*If you want to learn more about the merits of sleepaway summer camp, download my FREE e-book, 3 Reasons to Begin Your Child’s Sleepaway Summer Camp Experience Early. It’s a great resource to share with friends, or if you are a first-time camp family and you wonder what sleepaway camp would be like for your child. We’re open this summer — so come join us!