Editor’s Note: We’re proud and excited to welcome Cami as our new Leadership Program Coordinator, a position in charge of further developing and nurturing all of our leadership programs and the program heads in charge of them. This includes Start-Ups, Midways, Upstarts, Leaders-In-Training, and our Junior Counselors (JCs). This is a rich and compelling position with a role demanding the kind of insight and experience capable of deeply supporting opportunities all across the age spectrum at camp while expanding the leadership and mentorship facets in each. We’re thrilled that longtime camper and counselor Cami is stepping into this role! We’ve invited her to write a little bit about herself on today’s blog:
Hi everyone!
My name is Cami and I’m Camp Alleghany’ for Girls’s new Leadership Program Coordinator for summer 2021!
This will be my 12th — yes 12th! — summer as a Term Camper and then Counselor but my 20th summer at camp. Lucky for me I was a baby when I my parents first started coming to Family Camp!
This is a rich family tradition as my mother and aunts were campers at ‘Ghany, and even my cousins have attended. We’re ‘Ghany girls through and through.
Over the years I’ve been a Family Camper, Mini Camper, Junior Camper, Start-Up, Midway, Upstart, JC, Tinge, Unit Head, and Startup Mom during my time at camp. And now to be a part-time and seasonal member of the Admin Team — I think I may have done it all!
Does it sound like I love ‘Ghany? I do!
After taking a few years off to graduate from the University of Miami and work in the Advertising and Marketing industry, I’m thrilled to return to the Greenbrier River. I’m especially looking forward to seeing my old campers again, now as leaders in camp, both as campers and counselors.
With a new summer ahead, I eagerly await meeting those campers and counselors that I don’t yet know, and experiencing the Leadership-in-Training Program. I can’t wait to share with campers and counselors the things I now know about leadership, both in and out of camp. I’m equally excited to learn from them.
Most importantly, I’m pumped to cheer for the Gray Team again, GO GRAY! See you all in June!
Can’t wait to meet you all!
— Cami Bresee, Alumna and Leadership Program Coordinator, Camp Alleghany for Girls