Cultivating Your Children’s Independence at Home

Kids like to help, and the pride of finishing a task. Get them there with a clear understanding of basic chores and meal-making.
Help Wanted: Leadership Program Coordinator

Have a passion for cultivating the unique voices of young girls and women? This short-term camp position may be perfect for you!
Looking to 2021 with Optimism and Excitement

In spite of the challenges of a COVID year we’re looking forward to Summer 2021 optimistically and with strategic planning.
A ‘Ghany Girl’s Guide to Manners in the Virtual Era

Navigating so much MORE time online during so many closures is hard for any of us. We know adults and kids can always use a refresher on the best manners for online activity.
The Big Release: Featured Camper Video!

Begun in 2018 and two years in the making, our video of Vivian’s camp journey could be the story of any camper — her uncertainties, her eagerness, her challenges and her joys — in being a first time camper at ‘Ghany!
‘Ghany Girls Get Creative About Camp in a Totally IRL Way

So what if they had to stay home? A camper and a counselor still found a way to bring camp to life through creativity, problem-solving, and fun! Read the blog for more…
How Being Home Reminds Me What Is So Important About Summer Camp

After camp I felt the most profound absence of nature in my and my boys’ lives. It’s hard to reconcile and I think it’s time we had a bigger conversation as a society about bringing nature back into our lives.
How to Prepare For — and Avoid — Homesickness At Camp

Do you worry about homesickness at camp? Or about missing your child too much? These do’s and don’ts will help you prep your child and yourself for a successful summer!
My Son Didn’t Want to go Back to Camp a 2nd Summer. Here’s What Happened When He Did.

When your child says she doesn’t want to go back to camp a second summer should you just leave it at that? As a camp director, Elizabeth Shreckhise wasn’t willing to stop sending her son. What she wanted to do, was empower him to face any uncertainty with courage: