Empowering Girls Through Independence and Decision-Making

I’m excited to delve into something near and dear to our hearts: fostering independence and decision-making in our campers. These skills are crucial, especially for young girls as they grow into confident, capable young women.

Staff Training 2024, Grow Through What You Go Through!

Staff Training

Staff Training provides a dedicated two weeks of learning and bonding for our counselors, which is essential to our summer. Not only do we use this time to bond as a team, but Staff Training includes everything from CPR and First Aid training for all staff to Rifle School, Archery School, and more.

LOL Weekend 2024, Thank You!

What a wonderful 9th annual LOL weekend we have just enjoyed! Such a labor of love, loads of laughing out loud, and some little little ladies…a fabulous combination!

Packing for Family Camp- A Veteran’s Guide

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to camp we go! Whether you’re a Family Camp veteran or a newbie, it’s always nice to have a packing plan before you head out.    After 10 years as a Family Camper (and 14+ as a camper/counselor), I’ve learned a thing or two about what to bring (and what […]

ACA Tri-State 2024: What We Learned

What an adventure we had at the 2024 American Camping Association (ACA) Tri-State Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey! As representatives of Alleghany, Elizabeth, Stephanie, Mary-Curtis, and I participated in this year’s conference filled with learning, networking, and inspiration.

Important Administrative Team News!

Our former Administrative Assistant, Mary-Curtis Powell, is now our Office Manager, and we are thrilled she is joining our team in this position!

When the Baby Goes Off to Camp!

t’s been a while since I have added to my Camp-Director-Turned-Camp-Parent Series, and I wanted to make sure the youngest of my children didn’t get slighted in this series.