TBT: The Alleghany Rattler July 1953: Hannah’s Talk

A piece that shows how interesting and unusual camp guests could be. It’s also a fine example of just how deep and engaging articles from the Activity known as Alleghany Rattler, could be.
Casey’s Post-Camp Adventure, 2021

Back together with his long-time camp friends, Program Director Casey Tucker took to the wilds once more. Read about his adventure in today’s blog.
TBT: The Rattler May 9, 1962: 1962 Travel Plans

Campers showed a marked degree of travel independence in 1962 and they even seemed to be responsible for relaying travel plans TO their parents, rather than the other way around! Read today’s throwback article for more…
Our Girls Sleepaway Camp was Covid-Free All Summer!

We don’t know that we have ALL the answers but we do know that our strategy, plan, and enforcement worked to create a COVID-free summer camp!
TBT: The Rattler July 1945 — Alleghany Tent Points Mean More Than Law

Promptness, cleanliness, cooperation, and courtesy — see what campers over 80 years ago were expected to bring to their camp behavior.
Elizabeth’s Top 5 of Summer 2021

Every summer Camp Director Elizabeth Shreckhise blogs about her top five favorite things about camp that summer. This is the 2021 list!
TBT: The Rattler Aug. 1966 — Trip to Tent Theatre

TBT newspaper: In which a group of campers hikes to a local tent theatre to see a comedic but meaningful play about greed and the plucky people who outsmart it!
Celebrating Ghany’s 100 Years Now and Through 2022

As promised, I’m taking some time today to let you know about our exciting year of events, schwag, and surprises as we celebrate 100 Years of Camp Alleghany for Girls. We recently held our inaugural planning meeting so I have a few bits of info on deck. It’s all still very much in the developing […]
The Joys of First Term at Camp for 2021

First Term Head Counselor Mae Dandridge writes about her job leading the counselors and working with all the girls at camp!