Spread the Word About Camp Alleghany and Save on Tuition!

At Camp Alleghany, we’re passionate about creating unforgettable summer experiences that help girls grow, connect, and thrive. If your family loves the magic of Alleghany, why not share it with others?
How we Foster Healthy Habits at Camp and How to Continue these Habits Post-Camp

Camps offers a unique opportunity for children to grow, learn, and have fun in a nurturing environment. Beyond the exciting adventures and memorable experiences, summer camp plays a crucial role in fostering healthy habits in children that can positively impact their lives long after the camp ends. Here at Alleghany, we focus on promoting healthy […]
Fall Reunion Fun! Read About our 2023 Fall Reunions

Fall Reunions 2022 This past weekend our Camp Alleghany Team traveled to Alexandria, VA, and Richmond, VA to host our annual Reunions! It was SO fun to see current campers, meet potential campers and visit with our alumni; we are still recovering from all the fun! Fun and Games What would a Camp Reunion be […]
Second Term 2022, Looking Back Fondly

In continuing with our recap of our historic 100th summer, here is a rundown of how 2nd Term went! (and if you missed them, check out our previous blogs on Staff Training, Mini Camp, Mother-Daughter Weekend, 1st Term, and our 100th Anniversary Party!) COVID? As I mentioned in the 1st Term blog, we […]
Fall Reunions Reminder — Save Those Dates!

Join us for our Fall Reunions in the DMV and Richmond!
Mother Daughter Weekend 2022, a Recap

What is this camp that they speak of so? Of friendships that generations sow Of summers spent away from home, Shooting her way out of prone Of cool nights after Taps has blown And the wondrous ways the girl has grown Of comfort zones she left behind While the river beside her winds I […]
Who’s at Alleghany the First Time of All? Mini Campers!

20 Years of Mini Camp How do I begin to summarize 20 years of tie-dye fun at Camp Alleghany‘s Mini Camp? Two decades of fun, mostly in the sun, along the banks of the Greenbrier at our beloved Camp Alleghany! Suffice it to say it’s the greatest gift I could give back to the camp […]
A Thank You to our Campers, Counselors, and Staff of Summer 2022, We Miss You!

Goodbye Summer 2022 Our Summer 2022 season has officially come to a close, and as I sit here looking out over an empty Alleghany I am reminded of all our Campers, Counselors, Staff, and Volunteers who filled our tents this summer. Thanks to you, we filled our Play Hall with songs and laughter, circled campfires […]
What’s Happening At The 100th Summer Camp Store

We’ve been hard at work developing new ‘Ghany swag for this exciting and very special 100th summer.