Work Week To Open Camp for 2021!

Before the fun for campers there’s on-site work at camp and plenty of fun for the pre-camp Work Crew. Read all about it in today’s blog.

99 THINGS to Enjoy at Camp This Summer Part 7: Clothing

Editor’s Note: There are at minimum 99 Things about life at Camp Alleghany for Girls that are NOT changing this summer! That’s why we started our 99 THINGS Blog Series with: Part 1: Activities,  Part 2: Downtime!, Part 3: Food., Part 4: Mornings & Evenings, Part 5: Evening Activities., Part 6: Traditions! Cool mornings and […]

The Big Release: Featured Camper Video!

Begun in 2018 and two years in the making, our video of Vivian’s camp journey could be the story of any camper — her uncertainties, her eagerness, her challenges and her joys — in being a first time camper at ‘Ghany!

Warm Weather, Cold Teen Feet

If your teen thinks she’s outgrown camp it may be time to step in to remind her just how much she loves her camp family!

Updated electronics policy

What’s awesome about camp? Getting away from it all — especially from the endless bustle of the online world. That’s why our no electronics policy is so important and why it includes no digital cameras or video cameras.