Staff Training 2024, Grow Through What You Go Through!

Staff Training

It’s hard to believe our two weeks of staff training have come to an end so quickly! In just 14 days, we’ve welcomed over 50 counselors from across the river, hailing from all corners of the country and the globe. Our counselors come from as close as West Virginia and Virginia, and as far away as Australia!

Staff Training provides a dedicated two weeks of learning and bonding for our counselors, which is essential to our summer. Not only do we use this time to bond as a team, but Staff Training includes everything from CPR and First Aid training for all staff to Rifle School, Archery School, and more. We cover conflict resolution, working with homesick campers (or those “missing home”), positive praise, and more. Our mission-based communication skills help you make decisions that align with our values.

These skills are, of course, valuable here at Alleghany AND are valuable in the “real world!” After all the fun, games, and hard work, First Term is in view!

Mother-Daughter Weekend & Mini Camp

Mother-Daughter Weekend and Mini Camp Week are integral components of our Staff Training weeks. The former is a three-day, two-night immersion for our youngest campers and their female family members, while the latter, a one-week session for first-time campers, unfolds during the second week of Staff Training.

Mother-Daughter Weekend and Mini Camp provide on-the-job training for new staff members, easing them into their roles before engaging with campers full-time during Term Camp. Alumnae take charge of Mini Camp, handling tent, meal, and daily life responsibilities. Term Counselors split their days between teaching and interacting with the Mini Campers or Mother-Daughter Weekenders and engaging in Staff Training sessions. It’s a hands-on approach, offering real-life experiences before they step into their roles as counselors during Term Camp.

Our Staff Training Theme: Grow Through What You Go Through

Each year, we choose a theme for Staff Training that we carry through the summer, ensuring it becomes an integral part of counselors’ work with campers. The theme can be seen on our Staff Training t-shirt or heard throughout the summer in a chant. But really, it’s a way for us to focus our attention on what’s most important: helping kids have fun and stay safe while they’re here at Alleghany.

This year’s Staff Training Theme is “Grow Through What You Go Through.” While we know that being a Camp Counselor is a challenging job, we hope that this theme reminds them of their value and importance both at Alleghany and in the lives of their campers!

On To Term Camp

It’s crazy to think that we have been at camp for two, three (or more!) weeks and we are just now getting to First Term. So much happens in these first few weeks, and often it feels like we have been here for months by the end of staff training. But we are ready for you, term campers!

Summer 2024 is in full swing! Opening Day is just around the corner. Finish packing your trunks and duffles—we will see you soon, Term Campers!