TBT: The Alleghany Rattler, Aug. 1959: ‘Ghany’s Annual Star Festival To Be Held on Night of August Ninth
In this 1959 piece we see that science and lore can mix in painting a fuller picture of humanity’s relationship to the stars. And with it, ‘Ghany Girls getting to explore the world with the skies as their “classroom.”
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler February 1931: Camp Movies
In this piece we see that camp embraced technology early and made it a treat as part of camp life.
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler April 25, 1929: Alleghany Reunion Planned (& Fun 1979 Pic!)
We radically mixed Rattler decades here! In these pieces we see camp planning reunions and otherwise celebrating that Spring is in the air and that means camp is soon at hand! There’s a fun downloadable coloring page for you, too!
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler July 15, 1942 New Counselors Are Welcomed
In this piece new counselors are introduced to Rattler readers for the summer ahead!
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler May 25, 1944: Countdown to Camp
In this piece the paper featured a few letters from campers and staff who were eagerly counting down to Opening Day and ready to get back to camp.
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler August 1972: Thoughts on the Anniversary
In this piece we Molly Rardin reflects on the 50th Anniversary celebration of Alleghany and an interesting essay on what camp would be like in the year 2000!
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler May 1971: The Spirit of Alleghany
Kitty Hutcheson explores during the 50th anniversary year what it is that captures the spirit of Alleghany.
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler May 1971: Thanks for The Memory
In 1971 Cary Carter wrote during the 50th anniversary year about her grateful memories and impressions of Alleghany.
TBT: The Alleghany Rattler May 1971: Cooper Tells of First Visit to Camp Alleghany
In this piece we learn about S. Cooper Dawson Jr.’s early days as a Greenbrier camper and coming over to Alleghany for dances and plays.