The Ultimate Gift Guide for a ‘Ghany Girl

It’s (almost) time to start thinking about summer camp, right? If this is how you or your kids think, we have the perfect gift guide for you! We have a whole list of fun and practical summer camp gifts that you can’t go wrong with! The holiday season is upon us and we are ready […]

Spend Time Outdoors, Even in the Winter!

There’s an old cliché – there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Well, we live that out here in my household! My kids love playing outside no matter what the weather. And if you gear up the right way, you can enjoy being outdoors as a family, year-round, no matter where you […]

Sales, Deals, and Deadlines!

We’ve got our Early Bird Special, a Black Friday deal on ‘Ghany gear, a Cyber Monday special on registration and several events coming up. Read all about it on the blog!

Fall Reunion Fun! Read About our 2023 Fall Reunions

Fall Reunions 2022 This past weekend our Camp Alleghany Team traveled to Alexandria, VA, and Richmond, VA to host our annual Reunions! It was SO fun to see current campers, meet potential campers and visit with our alumni; we are still recovering from all the fun! Fun and Games What would a Camp Reunion be […]

Family Camp- Looking Back and Moving Forward

2022 was a big year for Camp Alleghany…as you know! It was our 100th summer and we celebrated throughout the entire camping season.  Family Camp was no different and you can read about our big Celebration wrap here! Although that was the ending to a super unique and year-long celebration, there were other parts of […]

When Parents are “Campsick” for their Campers

In the camp industry there’s one thing we know for sure and that is that sleepaway campers never really get that homesick. There, I said it. (And I wrote about it in the blog post linked in the previous sentence.) Yes, often first time campers will get a little bit homesick. And by a little, […]

How to Help Campers and Parents Find Out About Camp

Sleepaway summer camps, like any other business, have to rely on marketing to reach potential camp families, and they essentially always have. It may feel strange to talk about marketing camp, or camp as a business, but marketing is simply telling our story. Who, what, where, why, and when? For us, marketing has always been […]

Second Term 2022, Looking Back Fondly

In continuing with our recap of our historic 100th summer, here is a rundown of how 2nd Term went! (and if you missed them, check out our previous blogs on Staff Training, Mini Camp, Mother-Daughter Weekend, 1st Term, and our 100th Anniversary Party!)   COVID?   As I mentioned in the 1st Term blog, we […]

Looking Back, Our 100th Anniversary Bash!

2022 was a big year for us here at Camp Alleghany, along with our yearly sessions we were looking forward to and planning our 100th Anniversary! At the end of Summer 2021, we recruited a committee of Alumni to help plan and execute our 100th Anniversary celebrations, they, along with our admin team and staff, made Summer 2022 one for the books!