Editor’s Note: As part of our year-long celebration of our 100th Year Anniversary (1922-2022), we’ll post a Throwback Thursday edition of our Alleghany Rattler Newspaper to give you a peek into life at camp across those 100 summers!
Camp Alleghany’s director writes to ‘Ghany Families before the 25th summer of camp. Though 25 summers certainly warranted celebration, Alleghany opted to support children and camps around the world who could not attend summer camp during wartime. Read how the ‘Ghany community celebrated its 25th anniversary!
Twenty-Fifth Season
On June 29, 1946, Camp Alleghany opens for its 25th season and will welcome a capacity number and new campers, as well as a grand staff of counselors It is fitting to mark the passing of quarter of a century, in keeping with what other camps this year will be doing, by placing the emphasis on world-wide camping. Realizing how fortunate the United States and Canada have been to be able to continue the operation of their camps during the past war years, let us turn our thoughts to the millions of children all over the world to whom camping would mean so much, If you are interested in helping send books on camping and related subjects to Czechoslovakia, Greece, France, Poland, etc.
Miss Ida Oppenheimer
228 Second Avenue
New York City
would gladly receive them for transportation.
If Greece is your main concern, write to:
The Near East Foundation,
17 West 16th Street
New York City
This agency is working with UNKKA to continue Government-organization projects carried out last summer. If the YMCA or YWCA or the Scouts have international connections for you, suggestions as to what you may do can be secured from
Catherine Hammett
Girl Scouts
155 East 44th Street
New York City
Because a specific opportunity presented itself to be of tangible aid this year, Alleghany has already subscribed $100 to the MacJannet Committee to sponsor a French orphan in a camp on Lake Annecy in 1946. From time to time during the summer we will hear from our French friend, telling us what this has meant to her.
Mr. MacJannet writes, “We want to thank you very much indeed for sponsoring a French child’s two months vacation on the shore of Lake Annecy. Your camp’s contribution toward closer direct ties of friendship with France will certainly have far-reaching results, and I am sure that the letters that come out to you from your own camper next summer will be of the greatest interest to your campers in West Virginia.”
We are fortunate in having at camp with us this year two children from Holland- one in Junior and one
in Senior camp. What a glorious opportunity to learn from them of the customs and language of the Dutch and to give them the wonderful feeling of American freedom, democracy and comradeship which they have missed for the past seven years!
“In the lands across the sea
In my heart I know there be
Children less fortunate than me.
Let me therefore share with those
Food and money and clothes-
“Lord God of hosts, be with us yet
Lest we forget–lest we forget.”
Adopting as a theme song for the 1946 season, the “Song of Peace.” the words are printed on page 2 of this paper in order that- we may all be familiar with them on the opening day of camp.