Editor’s Note: As part of our year-long celebration of our 100th Year Anniversary (1922-2022), we’ll post a Throwback Thursday edition of our Alleghany Rattler Newspaper to give you a peek into life at camp across those 100 summers!
In this piece the Night of Delight Party, being as it was in 1971 (50 years ago) felt like it could double as a New Year’s Eve 2021 party post!
Night of Delight
By Cindy Doran

Friday, July 30, 1971, was opening night for that new posh spot — The Ghany Golden Lantern. Crowds of curiosity seekers, night club fans, and celebrated guests thronged to the exclusive opening.
The Lantern occupied the site of the ex-Playhall. It was stylishly adorned with balloons, streamers, and appropriately, lanterns.
Those renowned Ghanyette Dancers started the show with a bang with their snappy song-and-dance numbers. This was followed by some delicious refreshments delivered by waitresses who sported co-ordinated red outfits.
Suddenly the crowd grew hushed as Betsy Ellis, Ghany’s own Joan Baez, appeared through the curtain to sing two of her own songs along with the guitar.
The following acts were: The McQueer Sisters, Judy Wilks Garland as she warbled “Moon River,” and the long-awaited dance by Gypsy Rose Brennan and her Golden Girls.
Next some famous personalities were pointed out to the audience. But, it wasn’t until the Masked Marvel and his Magic Dames that the crowd went wild! Unfortunately, two accidents marred the otherwise mystical acts. Finally, the 18s, disguised as certain counselors around camp, presented their funny counselor countdown.
There were tears in our eyes as the 18s bid us a final adieu. Though the rain was pounding, the 18 Delight was tremendous, thanks to all the 18s and their director Betty Pitt.