Staff Recruiting Internship Wrap Up

Camp needs interns in the summer, and year-round. Learn about what one intern did for us, and craft your own internship, too!
Attending College During the Time of COVID

Every day is a well-scheduled adventure at camp and yet some days, that schedule changes. Learning to adapt, be flexible, and keep a good attitude while we’re doing it is a hallmark of the counselor’s job.
Help Wanted: Leadership Program Coordinator

Have a passion for cultivating the unique voices of young girls and women? This short-term camp position may be perfect for you!
Looking to 2021 with Optimism and Excitement

In spite of the challenges of a COVID year we’re looking forward to Summer 2021 optimistically and with strategic planning.
Opening Days In Blues & Whites

Campers, come ready this summer in your Blues & Whites for Opening Day. No need to think about what to wear and you’ll be ready for yearbook pics, dinner, and fun!
Camp Staff Training: The Pink Team Keeps Rollin’ Along

You may be surprised to learn that being a camp counselor is nothing like the stereotypes out there. The training is rigorous across many skill sets and continues throughout the summer.
Department Series: All about Rifle at Camp Alleghany
It’s time to focus, aim, shoot for your target goals — a post in our Department Series all about how we do Rifle at Camp Alleghany.