Cheerio But Be Back Soon, First Term 2024 Has Come to a Close!

As we wrap up First Term 2024, let’s take a look back at the awesome three weeks we’ve had. From the moment the girls crossed the river to the final goodbyes, they embraced every challenge, every laugh, and every new friendship with enthusiasm and joy.

First Term Week 1: Getting Started and Diving In

The first week was all about settling in and getting to know each other. The excitement was off the charts as everyone signed up for activities and jumped right into the fun. The weather was perfect for swimming, canoeing, and hanging out at the playground and tennis courts.

The Blue and Gray Team meetings got the friendly competition going, and the “Alleghany Store” fashion show led by our 15-year-olds was a blast. The week was full of highlights, including our first big game of ‘Ghany Clue (spoiler: Cami stole the milk and cookies!). Despite a little rain, our 15-year-olds enjoyed a dinner hike, showing their adventurous spirit. 

Thursdays are always special here, starting with Lunch Under the Apple Tree (LUTAT). We had a picnic of hamburgers, veggies, and chips under sunny skies, and of course, peppermint patties for dessert. The day ended with a campfire night where the NCCC (Non-Camper Counselor Club) counselors put on a hilarious skit. By the end of the week, everyone was fully into the camp groove, ready for more adventures.We ended our week with our All Camp Photo, everyone looking sharp in their Blues & Whites. 

First Term Week 2: Traditions, Fun, and Celebrations

Week two was packed with traditions and new experiences. Our LITs (Leaders-In-Training) returned from their wilderness trip with many stories and memories that will last forever. The 14-year-olds had their first overnight, hiking to a campsite, cooking dinner over a fire, and sleeping under the stars. They returned with big smiles and great memories.

The 4th of July was a highlight, packed with patriotic songs, a vibrant carnival, and an all-camp dance party. The carnival featured a Junior Camp parade and fun booths like a slip and slide, fortune teller, fairy hair, and a cakewalk. Even though the rain interrupted our carnival, we quickly began an all camp dance party in the Playhall util the rain subsided. The day ended with a movie night and fireworks, making it a magical day.

Another big event was the Camp Greenbrier Dance. Our Start-ups and Seniors hosted Greenbrier campers for dinner and a dance in the Play Hall. Units 1, 2, and 3 had a fun evening planned by the LITs at our outdoor campsite, Brunswick, where the LITs got to showcase their leadership and creativity.

First Term Week 3: Achievements and Farewells

The final week was a mix of excitement, achievement, and a bit of nostalgia. Campers showcased their talents in the Drama, Dance, and Art Shows. These events were a great way for everyone to see the hard work and creativity that went into their projects. We also had some friendly competitions like Blue/Gray Tennis and Archery. 

As the term came to an end, we had recognition ceremonies to honor campers and counselors for their achievements. Campers received patches for their accomplishments, and those who had been at Alleghany for six and eight years got special golden star patches and Camp Alleghany blankets.

The last days were a mix of packing, fun activities, and heartfelt farewells. Campers started packing their belongings with a bit of reluctance, many wishing they could stay forever. The final night’s Babies Boats Campfire was a sweet reminder that while we’re saying goodbye for now, it’s not forever. The memories made this term will last a lifetime, and we can’t wait to see our campers return next summer.

As we say cheerio to First Term 2024, we’re already excited to welcome back our campers next year. Thank you for sharing your amazing daughters with us – they’ve truly touched our hearts. See you next summer!