Cheerio But Be Back Soon- Goodbye Second Term 2024

Second Term

As the sun sets over the beautiful hills of Greenbrier County, we find ourselves at a turning point. Second Term has come to an end, and it’s time to say goodbye to our amazing Term Campers, LITs, and Counselors.

What to Expect on Opening Day, Summer 2024!

As Summer 2024 begins, it’s (almost) time for the Opening Day of Camp. If you’re wondering about the logistics, emotions, and everything in between, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into what you can expect and how to make this experience seamless for you and your camper.

How Can I Prepare my Camper for Homesick Feelings?

Sending your child off to camp is a significant milestone in their life, offering an array of new experiences and opportunities for personal growth. However, the prospect of homesickness can be a concern for both parents and campers alike.

‘Ghany We Will Give 2024: Partnering with Seasons Place


This year we are taking a service learning approach that will be more of a “hands on” experience for all campers and counselors.  We are very excited to be partnering with the Seasons Place, an Inspirit senior living community located in Lewisburg.