The holiday season is here! No matter which holidays your family celebrates, this time of year is often filled with the joy of gift-giving. Wondering what to get for the special Ghany Girl in your life? Look no further—we’ve got you covered!
The Gift of…. Camp!
Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is giving your camper the gift of camp! Maybe you have already registered for summer 2025, or maybe you’re still thinking about it. Either way, the best gift of all is letting your camper know that she will be spending one or three wonderful weeks on the banks of the Greenbrier River, making lifelong friends and cherished memories, trying new activities, practicing her independence, and having FUN! I can’t think of a better holiday gift!
Apparel and Swag

Of course, if you’ve already registered or she knows she’s going to camp, what are some other fun things you can get? Check out our partner site Everything Summer Camp, where you can find Alleghany-branded clothing like tee shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, hoodies, and more. You can also get great Blue and Gray gear for competitions, and Blues and Whites for dinner!
Everything Summer Camp also carries essentials like trunks and duffels, bedding and more. It’s a one-stop shop for camp necessities and ‘Ghany Gear!
The Finer Things In Life
For those campers with an eye for the finer things, you can consider a Tree of Life Necklace. While not officially affiliated with Alleghany, this necklace has become a trend over the decades at Alleghany, and is still sold locally in Lewisburg at Cat and Kate. You can also check this former Alleghany counselor’s website for an alternative version- she will take custom orders for a tree of life!
Another fun item to consider is a custom made Greenbrier Valley sweater also from Cat and Kate. They will also create custom Ghany Girl or Lewisburg versions as well!

Gift Cards and Spending Money
Maybe you’re not entirely sure what she might want for camp this summer, so how about a gift card to either Everything Summer Camp, or stores like Target, REI, or Amazon, which carry lots of great camp gear and clothes? Or maybe a gift card to Cat and Kate for some of those unique items above. You could also gift her with some store account money for her Camp Store spending this summer. Campers love to shop at our on-site store while at camp!
Visits with Camp Friends

One of my favorite memories as a camper was visiting my camp friends during school holiday breaks. I would usually drive (or get a ride) to nearby cities and spend a night or two, but I’ve also heard of campers flying to other states just to reconnect! Whether near or far, giving your camper the gift of quality time with camp friends they don’t often see could be the perfect way to celebrate the holidays—a meaningful mid-year catch-up that’s sure to create lasting memories!
The Gift of Alleghany
So as you plan holiday gifts for your loved ones, consider sharing this list of ideas with family and friends to keep the spirit of ‘Ghany alive in your hearts. Wishing you a joyful season filled with warmth, cherished memories, and the love of family. Happy holidays!