Summer 2025 Staff Applications are OPEN!

Are you thinking about applying to be a Camp Counselor? Maybe you were at Alleghany with us this summer and can’t wait to be back!
Sneak Peak at our Brand New Arts and Crafts Building!

The old saying goes…” Art is in the eye of the beholder”. Not sure who quoted that famous line, but I do know that everyone looks at art differently than the person standing next to them. Some people see the piece as a whole whereas others may find the small hidden details. Each piece of […]
Meet Stephanie, Our New Program Director!

Walt Whitman once wrote, “Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air, and to eat and sleep with the earth.” This is one of my favorite quotes because it makes me think of my time at camp along the Greenbrier River. Elizabeth and […]
Family Camp- Looking Back and Moving Forward

2022 was a big year for Camp Alleghany…as you know! It was our 100th summer and we celebrated throughout the entire camping season. Family Camp was no different and you can read about our big Celebration wrap here! Although that was the ending to a super unique and year-long celebration, there were other parts of […]