
It almost goes without saying that once a girl comes to Camp Alleghany she’s likely to have such an infectious affection for camp that she’s going to tell many a friend. It happens all the time. And we hear about this enthusiasm in nice post-camp notes and e-mails sent to us, or in off-season gatherings and reunions. […]
Turning unhappy campers into happy ones

We’ve all heard the tales of woe — how camp was “a nightmare,” or “the worst experience of my life.” Sadly, these dramatic tales of disappointment are so full of grief that they risk drowning out the far greater number of success stories about camp experiences. That’s why when I read Pamela Paul’s “Not a […]
The dreaded homesick letter

I’m sure if I wasn’t a camp director and knew little about camps I’d probably also feel distraught at receiving a downcast letter from my child bemoaning his fate at camp and how much he wants to come home. I’d be heartbroken. But fortunately I am a camp director and I know that, in reality, […]
Preparing inside and out for Mini Camp

Last week I pointed to an excellent guide for getting kids (and parents) ready for Camp Alleghany, with ten steps and a handy video to watch. And while those tips apply to campers of all ages, there are some special considerations when it comes to our youngest campers, the Mini Campers. I’ve been a Camp […]
Two homesick first-time 2013 campers register early for 2014!
Meet Taylor Pounders (12) and Ellie Williams (11), each from Richmond, Va. Both first-time campers for first term 2013, they didn’t know each other before camp and met only briefly while at camp. However, their mothers (your humble narrators) bonded through a coincidental meeting and recently got the girls together for lunch. Our mother-daughter (x2) […]
A healthier, and just as happy, Halloween
Ever since I’ve been a mom I’ve been much more aware of the relationship between food and health. And being a mom naturally spills over into my work as a camp director, because what’s good for my child is good for my campers! So two summers ago we rolled out some healthier measures at camp […]
Elizabeth’s packing picks

One thing that I’ve noticed parents agonizing over is what exactly to pack for camp. While we have a general term camp packing list on the website (and one for Mini Camp, too), inevitably questions come up. When I was answering an e-mail from a parent the other night who was asking about blankets, trunk […]
Thanksgiving dinner

I bet I’m not the only one who, if asked, would say that my favorite meal at Camp Alleghany is…Thanksgiving Dinner! There’s nothing more delicious than those couple of times each term when a dinner with all the traditional fixins’ is served — turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, rolls, and stuffing made […]